I found this bootleg genesis game in the attic of my cousin's grandfather's sister's twin dog's house, and remade in it Scratch for some reason instead of just dumping the Rom :D

All jokes asides (even though this is mostly a joke game) I worked hard on this project and I'm happy its finally done. The in-game story and controls are as followed:

------------------------------ Story --------------------------------

Oh no! Eggman is up to his devious schemes again.

He's searching for the 7 chaos emeralds across the 7 states to destroy the Earth and replace it with the "Epic" Eggman Land. Each chaos Emerald is guarded one of 7 Objects/Animals. Can Talez outlast them, obtain the Emeralds, and stop Eggman from destroying the Earth? 

--------------------------- Controls ---------------------------

--Menu Screens

 Enter key/Click Earth to begin

 Left and right Arrow keys/Buttons to move cursor

 Enter key/Blue circle button to confirm

 Press the button in the upper-right corner of the select screen to edit settings, and there you save&load your data


 WASD/arrows keys/arrow buttons to move

 Space/Circle buttons to dash


 R key: Go back to select screen

 F key: Skip opening sequence in the Australia boss

 7 key: Debug mode (can only use when game is completed, different keys on keyboard do different actions when activated)

---------------------------How to play------------------------

--Survive each boss for a certain amount of time, moving away from their attacks to keep up your health. Live till' the end and you win; lose all your health and you fail.


--If a boss is giving you difficulty, try a different one and come back to it, or enable easy mode in settings.

--You can always save&load your progress if you have to leave!

--A realistic gun with with absolutely no violence on screen too much for you? You can switch it to a toy gun in settings.

-Get used to a boss's patterns and you'll be able to ace it! (most of the time)

---------------------------Other Stuff--------------------------

--The game is mobile supported, but may be difficult to play. You can activate mobile in settings.

--There's some extras if you beat the game, so go ahead and do so. 

--Game may be laggy on lower end devices.

------------------------Notes and links------------------------

Original start of development: April 9th, 2024

Credits are seen in game, c2a, but a more concise credits document is seen here.

If you want to listen to the music used in the game, you can do so via this playlist here

Check out the game on Scratch.

Change log v1

-Game released

There may be bugs, especially in the later areas of the game.


Talez 5: Around The World.zip 193 MB
Talez 5_ Around The World Mac.zip 110 MB
Talez 5_ Around The World Linux.zip 196 MB

Install instructions

I'm probably dumb for separating the downloads into each device

Just extracted the zip and i think you can load the game up via the exe? It works on Windows but it may not on Mac and I have no way to test if it does on Linux

Anyway, leave a nice comment down there! ((Or dont, your choice))





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use arrow keys to move left and right on the map, and press enter to select a stage. people seem to be confused about this, so yeah

If you see any bugs then list them here!